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#TierrasVivas 1188

Visit the sculptures of the Paseo de Las Musas in Lambayeque

Posted On: 16 March 2024 #TierrasVivas 1188

A walk made up of small squares adorned with columns and white statues that represent the muses of Greek mythology, the work of artist Celendino Díaz. A central porch supported by caryatids stands out.

In the city of Chiclayo itself, in the department of Lambayeque and a few blocks from its central square, we find a tourist corridor called Paseo Las Musas. It is adorned with gardens with beautiful flowers and whose main attraction is a monument of rotundas decorated with Hellenic sculptures.

In the beginning, this place was built during the government of Arturo Castillos Chirinos, between 1994 and 1995, with the purpose of being for family recreation and improving the decoration of the city, however it has become one of the favorite places for couples in love, because there they find romantic inspiration in its pleasant architectural and botanical layout.

When you reach Paseo Las Musas, you first see a portal that is supported by four caryatids approximately five meters high, above which is the motto “Heroic City of Chiclayo”, a title that was given to the residents who They defended national interests during the Pacific War.

Later, you can see the harmonious distribution of a set of small squares with nine muses from Greek mythology whose names are: Polymnia, the creator of lyric poetry; Melpómene who is the muse of tragedy; the muse of choral singing and dancing Tertisícorde; Erato is the one who presided over lyrical and erotic poetry; Clio represents history; the muse of ethical poetry and eloquence Calliope; the creator of the comedy Talía; muse of astronomy Uranie and Euterpe who had the art of playing the flute.

It should be noted that these magnificent sculptures were created by the artist Celendino Miguel A. Díaz Díaz and that it is the only place of its kind in this part of Peru.

The Walk of the Muses

In the beginning, this place was built during the government of Arturo Castillos Chirinos, between 1994 and 1995, with the purpose of being for family recreation and improving the decoration of the city.

However, today it has become one of the favorite places for couples in love, as there they find romantic inspiration in its pleasant architectural and botanical layout.

When you reach Paseo de Las Musas, you first see a portal that is supported by four caryatids approximately five meters high, above which is the motto “Heroic City of Chiclayo”, a title that was given to the residents. who defended national interests during the Pacific War.

Further on, you can see the harmonious distribution of a set of small squares with nine muses from Greek mythology.

Name of the Muses

The names are: Polymnia, the creator of lyric poetry; Melpómene who is the muse of tragedy; the muse of choral singing and dancing Tertisícorde; Erato is the one who presided over lyrical and erotic poetry; Clio represents history; the muse of ethical poetry and eloquence Calliope; the creator of the comedy Talía; muse of astronomy Uranie and Euterpe who had the art of playing the flute.

It should be noted that these magnificent sculptures were created by the artist Celendino Miguel A. Díaz Díaz and that it is the only place of its kind in this part of Peru.

How to get to the Paseo de las Musas?

The Paseo de las Musas is located between Garcilaso de la Vega and Balta Sur avenues. From the Plaza de Armas of Chiclayo you will arrive by car in approximately 5 minutes. Google Maps tells you the route.

Best Tours in Peru

Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Peru, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views. 

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem. 

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.