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#TierrasVivas 981

Amazon Rainforest Animals List

Posted On: 26 June 2018 #TierrasVivas 981

The Peruvian territory also kept hidden for a long time thousands of species that currently surprise many scientists around the world. It is mainly the native species that amaze us most, due to the unique characteristics: their beauty, their rarities, but above all how they have adapted to the difficult climates and territories of Peru.

The Amazonas region is famous in Peru for its misty forests, its páramo and its privileged microclimates. Habitat of orchids, Andean bears and roosters of the rocks. Archaeological sites with the enigma of Kuélap, citadel built between the Andes and the Selva. Mysterious tombs and sarcophagi, inheritance of an era where the Chachapoya culture reigned.

The Amazon rainforest of Peru is one of the areas with the greatest biological diversity on the planet. The Amazon rainforest animals list is so great that it is estimated that most of them remain undiscovered and less studied properly.  Peru is the second country, after Colombia in regard to the number of bird species in the world and the third in terms of mammals, of which 44% and 63% respectively live in the Peruvian Amazon.


Amazon Rainforest Animals List:

Life in the Amazon is wonderful, we find a large Amazon rainforest animals list that live in this region, here we leave a list with the stars of the Amazon:


1. Pink River Dolphin:

The long-snouted pink river dolphin enters shallow waters, flooded forest, and even large lakes,. Unlike the gray dolphin of river channels, this species rarely jumps out of the water.

Eats: Fish. Weighs: 350 lbs. Myth: Often blamed for pregnancies when father is unknown


2. Red-and-Green Macaw:

The loud, raucous shrieks first call attention to red-and-green macaws, the largest members of the parrot family in the Amazon. Clay licks near a number of jungle lodges in Madre de Dios are great places to observe these spectacular birds.

Eats: Seeds of trees and vines. Weighs: 3 lbs. Length: 3 ft. Odd habit: Consumes clay from steep banks.


3. Hoatzin:

The clumsy- flying, chicken-sized Hoatzin sports a long frizzled crest and bare blue skin around the eye, suggesting something out of the Jurassic. Its digestive system features a fermentation chamber and is more bovine than avian.

Eats: Leaves, specially arum. Weighs: 1.8 lbs. Unusual feature: Nestlings can climb with claws on their wings. Favorite Hangout: Trees and shrubs in swampy vegetation near lakes.


4. Squirrel Monkey:

The small, active squirrel monkeys live in a group of 20 to 100 or more. These common monkeys can be distinguished by a black muzzle and white mask.

Eats: Large insects and fruit. Weighs: 2 lbs. Favorite Hangout: Lower and mid-levels of vine-tagled forest especially near rivers and lakes. Associates: Brown capuchin monkeys often hang out with the troop.


5. Red Howler Monkey:

A loud, long, deep, roaring chorus from these large, sedentary, red-haired monkeys, announces the coming of dawn, an airplane, or a rainstorm, The swollen throat houses an incredible vocal apparatus.

Eats: Leaves and fruits. Weighs: 8 to 23 lbs. Favorite Hangout: Tree tops and mid-levels of forest. Unfortunate trait: They will urinate and defecated on you if you walk beneath them.


6. Three-toed Sloth:

This slow-moving, upside down ball of fur is easiest to spot in tree crowns with open growth like cecropias. The dark mask and three large claws on the hands distinguis it from the larger two-toed sloth.

Eats: Leaves. Weighs: 5 to 11 lbs. Favorite Hangout: Tree tops and mid-levels of forest. Unusual habit: Sloths climb to the ground once a week to move their bowels.


7. Horned Screamer:

A bare, white quill arches from the crown of this ungainly, dark, turkey-sixed bird. Its long toes enable it to walk on floating vegetation. Occasionally it soars among vultures.

Eats: Water plants. Weighs: up to 7 lbs. Favorite Hangout: Shores of lagoons and lakes. Relatives: Screamers are related to ducks and geese-who would have guessed?


8. Russet-backed Oropendola:

What the yellow tailed, crow-sized, oropendola lacks in beauty, it makes uo for in its liquid voice. The remarkable three-foot long woven nests dangle in groups from an isolated tree-protection from monkeys.

Eats: Insects and fruit. Favorite Hangout: Forest near clearings and rivers. Look for: Flocks of hundreds going to and from roosting islands in the river at dusk and dawn.


Tips to see Amazon Wildlife:

Don´t expect the species of our Amazon rainforest animals list to come out and say hello! The Amazon´s great biodiversity is made posible by the jungle´s sheltering, almost secretive nature. Here are tips to help train your eye to see through nature´s camouflage.

  • Listen for movement. Crashing branches are the first clue of monkeys, and rustling leaves betray secretive lizards and snakes.
  • Going upstream on the river means your boat will stay steady close to shore-where all the wildlife is.
  • Look for birds in large mixed-species flocks; stay with the flock while the many birds slowly reveal themselves.
  • Concentrate your observation in the early morning and late afternoon, and take a midday siesta to save energy for night-time exploration.
  • Wear cloths that blend in with the environment. Exceotion: hummingbird lovers should wear shirts with bright red floral prints.
  • Train your eye to pick out anomalies-what might, at first, seem like an out of place ball of debris in the tree could be a sloth.
  • At night, use a bright headlamp or hold a flashlights next to your head to spot eye-shine from mammals, nocturnal birdas, frogs, boas, moths, and spiders.
  • Crush leaves and use your nose when getting to know tropical plants.

When is the best time to visit the Amazon?

The best season is during the dry season, which covers the months April to the end of September. In October the rains begin and you can enjoy the Amazon and find Machu Picchu clearly of clouds. If you travel in June, we recommend you to book the Inti Raymi 2025 Tour that takes place in June 24th, and also hike the Palcoyo Mountain Tour, which is an incredible Rainbow Mountain located in the Andes. 


Amazon Wildlife Tours

Hiking Tours in the Amazon

Many are the routes that pass through the Amazon, but none is like the Inca Trail Tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Perú, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views. 

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu Ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your Vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem.

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.