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#TierrasVivas 1030

Get to know the Razuhuillca Lagoons in Huanta, Ayacucho

Posted On: 03 May 2022 #TierrasVivas 1030

Near the snowy Razuhuillca, in Huanta, there are many lagoons to visit. For those adventurers who have trekking in mind on their next trip, the Razuhuillca snow-capped mountain is one of the most recommended options. It is located in the province of Huanta (department of Ayacucho) and is a massive and rocky glacier almost 4100 meters high. However, the most striking aspect of this natural tourist landscape is the Razuhuillca lagoons. 

Chacaqucha Lagoon

It is located at 4,095 meters above sea level, south of its sisters, the Mituqucha and Ichmaqucha lagoons. It extends for about 1.2 kilometers and is fed by the Qarqarqucha lagoon, through a waterfall. It has suffered the effects of pollution over time, for which the regional authorities have developed several protection programs. 

Mituqucha Lagoon

It stretches for about 150 meters long and 60 wide. It is fed by the waters of the Ichmaqucha lagoon and is located at the same level as Chacaqucha. 

Laguna San Antonio

It is located on the highest peak of the snowy Razuhuillka, at more than 4,100 meters above sea level. It has a circular shape and has a diameter of approximately 100 meters. The water level, due to the erosion of the floor, has decreased. For this reason, the authorities take great care of it so that it does not disappear, since San Antonio is a vital source for the animals in the area. 


Much of the water from the Razuhuillca lagoons supplies the population of Huanta. That is why travelers are asked not to contaminate it. 

Laguna Yanaqucha

At 1,200 meters long and 500 meters wide, it is surrounded by several peaks and is perhaps the most visited by tourists, since the surrounding landscape is one of the best. Until 2003 there was no access to it, but after the construction of a carriageway, it receives a large number of tourists. However, for this same reason, it requires more care, since there is no way to control contamination in the place. Responsible tourism with nature is needed to keep it in good condition.

Qarqarqucha Lagoon

This lagoon is fed by melting ice and precipitation. It has several holes that allow water to leak to feed Chacaqucha. The landscape here is made up of the large stone blocks that surround it. These, after having fallen from the heights, seem to have been cut by the hand of man, since they are fragmented and with very linear cuts. 

Pisququcha Lagoon

It is located in the Huanta river basin and on the slope of the snowy Razuhuillka. Its main attraction is the group of small islands in its interior, formed by glans blocks of rocks that rise from the depths of its waters. 

Pampaqucha Lagoon

It is part of the tourist tour, but it is the lagoon that is most neglected. Despite this, it is one of the areas that has the most water and represents hope for the local population, since there are many projects to improve it. 


During the tour of the lagoons you will find the typical biodiversity of the Peruvian Andean areas. You will even see animals such as Andean foxes, tarukas, pumas and vizcachas, as well as different species of birds. You will also appreciate plants such as ichu, chachacomas and tayas. Almost all the lagoons have crystal clear waters and have an emerald green color, due to the vegetation that grows at the bottom. 

Access to all of them is free, but we recommend that you plan, together with a tourist agency, a tour that does not last until more than 6 or 7 at night. The reason is that at this time it begins to get dark and it is not allowed to camp in the surroundings. In addition, the cold is intense and if you do the return trek very late, the cold can affect your physical performance. 

How to get to the Razuhuillca Lagoons? 

From Lima to the city of Ayacucho, the price of the bus ticket is 50 soles on average, and the trip lasts approximately 10 hours. Once there, take a bus or taxi to Huanta, which is located about 47 km (1 hour) along Highway 3S. 

You can take advantage of your stay in the city of Ayacucho or in the city of Huanta to acclimatize. We recommend that you stay at least one or two days before trekking to the mountains and lagoons, since the altitude in Huanta is 3,800 meters above sea level. Prepare yourself with a coca tea and pills against soroche if necessary. This way you will not have any unforeseen events during the journey.

When to travel to Huanta and discover the Razuhuillca Lagoons?

The climate in Huanta is very similar throughout the year. The annual average maximum temperature is 24 degrees, while the minimum temperature, especially at night, can be 7 degrees. 

Already in the trekking tour, which can take you 8 hours, you have to consider the correct measures. When touring the snowy mountains, you will find a very cold climate regardless of the time of day, so you should wear comfortable but warm clothing, as well as windbreaker jackets, a hat, and gloves. 

But if you want to give your visit a bonus, you can plan your trip on different dates when festivities take place. In Huanta, parties and activities are present almost every month. 

Celebrations in Huanta

For example, the Huantino Carnival takes place between the months of February and March. It is a traditional festival where dances, exhibitions of typical clothing, musical contests by local bands, comparsa meetings, among others, take place. 

The "Monte Calvario" takes place during Holy Week, a unique event in the world. There the passion, death and resurrection of Christ are staged. 

In May you will find the Fiestas de las Cruces and the Avocado Festival. The first celebration shows the descent of the crosses from the nearby communities to the main square of Huanta. The second event presents gastronomic fairs whose main products are the more than 42 species of avocados from the region. 

During National Holidays bullfighting events are held and in September, the Regional Fair of the Lord of Maynay. There you can participate in agro-industrial, livestock and craft fairs. In addition, there are national and international guest artists and cockfights take place. 

If you wish, you can wait until the end of November, where activities are carried out for the Anniversary of the Population of Huanta. 

Other tourist attractions of the Razuhuillca Lagoons

Huanta is a place whose lands were previously inhabited by members of the Chavín and Inca cultures. It is also known as the "Emerald of the Andes" for its numerous tourist attractions. 

In this destination you will find the Pikimachay cave, which is 24 meters wide and 12 meters high. It is located on the Allqowillka hill and has bone remains of animals over 20 thousand years old. These are proof that the cave was inhabited by ancient nomadic hunters, since remains of hunting tools have also been found, such as fleshers and crushers. 

And many more places…

Another attraction is the Laupay Stone Forest, located three hours from the city of Huanta, in the district of San José de Secce. It is possible to set up camp there and witness the immense landscape richness, which includes abundant vegetation and a set of rocks in the shapes of animals and people. There are many legends about how they were formed. 

The Huanta Viewpoint and the Huanta Market are two important walks and very close to the city. The former is only 10 minutes from the Plaza de Armas, while the latter is 5 minutes away.

Take advantage of this visit and enjoy nature and local gastronomy!

Best Tours in Peru

Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail Tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Perú, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views. 

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu Ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your Vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem. 

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.