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#TierrasVivas 1385

Pachapupum, an otherworldly volcano in Ayacucho

Posted On: 28 June 2022 #TierrasVivas 1385


The Pacha-Pupum Hot Springs are a thermo-medicinal resource, which is located in the Sacsamarca district, in the Huanca Sancos province, in the Ayacucho region. 

Pacha-Pupum, means "navel of the earth", and is also the name of an extinct volcano, located in the area, and from which the waters that nourish the resort hot springs. The Pacha-Pupum hot springs are rich in the presence of sulfur, which is why they are recommended for people suffering from nervous and skin diseases. 

The resource is located 35 kilometers from the Plaza de Huanca Sancos, admission to it is free, but it is recommended that visits be made between the hours of 6 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. There are combis that can take those interested to the same hot springs. 

The Pachapupum Volcano

The Pachapupum Volcano is located in the HuancaSancos Province, located at an altitude of 4,022 meters above sea level in the Sacsamarca District. 

It is a natural stone monument formed by the fall of salt and sulfur components in the shape of a cone. It has an approximate height of 30mts. 

The access to the upper part is by some stairs, the same ones that are formed naturally, where an opening of 8 to 10 mst can be seen. in diameter, at the bottom the presence of water in a state of permanent boiling can be observed. Around this monument there are small rustic wells of medicinal thermo-mineral waters that emanate a penetrating smell of sulfur. According to the residents, its waters have multiple healing properties. 


Located in the department of Ayacucho, province of Huanca Sancos, Sacsamarca district, within the natural sites category, of the type thermo-mineral water, subtype thermal waters, with hierarchy 1, at an altitude of 4022 meters above sea level, annex of Ccontacc.

What does Pacapupum mean?

The Pachapupum volcano, also known as "El Volcán Dormido", is a natural wonder that is located in the province of Huancasancos in the Ayacucho region. It is surrounded by volcanic stones and lagoons with hot springs in various forms.

When to visit the Pachapupum Volcano?

The best time to visit this place is from April, and the cost of a full day tour can be between 120 to 150 soles. 

Pachapupum Hot Springs

Located at 4020 meters above sea level, its waters have healing properties for asthma, arthritis and skin diseases, among others. It has a temperature of 45ºC (113ºF) and a strong smell of sulfur. It is located 35 km south of the city of Sancos, by unpaved road. (45 minutes by van). 

The Pacha-Pupum Hot Springs are a thermo-medicinal resource, which is located in the Sacsamarca district, in the Huanca Sancos province, in the Ayacucho region.

Pupum, means "navel of the earth", and is also the name from an extinct volcano, located in the area, and from which the waters that nourish the resort's hot springs emanate. The Pacha-Pupum hot springs are rich in the presence of sulfur, so they are recommended for people who suffer from nervous and skin diseases. The resource is located 35 kilometers from the Huanca Sancos square, admission to it is free, but It is recommended that the visits take place between the hours of 6 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. There are combis that can take those interested to the same hot springs. 

“View of the city of Huanca Sancos”

The province of Huanca Sancos is located in the department and region of Ayacucho. Huanca Sancos has a territorial extension of 2,862.33 Km2. With its capital the city of Sancos, the homonymous city in the center of the Ayacucho Region. Province eminently livestock as the main activity, and a city with a variety of natural landscapes and tourist destinations. 

Huanca Sancos is also considered "The navel of the Chanka culture", it is located within the territories where the Chanka Confederation settled, belonging to the late intermediate after the Wari culture. 

The Chankas played an important role in the territory, later, in the middle of 1400 AD, the Inca hosts arrived in the area and, after several confrontations, managed to subdue the warrior people. 

Later the Spaniards would arrive in the area, founding, in 1570, what would then be the Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de la “O” de Sancos. Years later, during the Republic, Huanca Sancos is created as a district, in 1826; Later, in 1957, the city became the capital of the Sancos district, and finally on November 20, 1984, it was declared a province of the Ayacucho region.

Historical review

The dawn of the primitive life of the town was winding, however the traditions and legends explained that the inhabitants came from the Huancas and Waris who settled in Ñaupa Llaccta, whose archaeological remains are known by the name of "AYAYA MOCCO", from where by order of King Philip II who ordered the reduction of the Indies, made a reality by Viceroy Toledo and his commissioner Juan Palomares, all the residents passed to this seat, being founded with the name of Pueblo de la Virgen de "O" de Sancos, under his patronage, on December 18, 1573. According to Huamán Poma de Ayala it was called "Zanco-Huanca". 

In the Republic, by disposition of Don Simón Bolívar, in 1825, from an annex it became a district; and, in the second period of Don Ramón Castilla, by Law of January 2, 1857, the district of Sancos was created with the Capital Huanca Sancos, it belonged to Cangallo, later by Law No. 1306 of November 14, 1910, it formed part of the New Province of Víctor Fajardo.

For 74 years, Huanca Sancos achieved brilliance in the cultural, economic and social spheres, going from being a Villa to a city by Regional Law No. 340 of September 6, 1920, at the request of Regional Deputy Dr. Cirilo Moscozo. 

By Law No. 23928 of September 20, 1984, promulgated by the Constitutional President of the Republic, Architect Fernando Belaunde Terry, it became a province of Ayacucho with the name of Huanca Sancos, with a Capital of the same name, and with 4 districts. : Sancos, Carapo, Sacsamarca and Santiago de Lucanamarca.

Tourism in Huanca Sancos

The province of Huanca Sancos is located in the department and region of Ayacucho. Huanca Sancos has a territorial extension of 2,862.33 Km2. This presents as capital the homonymous city. Huanca Sancos is also considered "The navel of the Chanka culture", since it is located within part of the territory where the Chanka Confederation settled.

Although the Chankas played an important role in the territory, later, in the middle of 1400 AD, the Inca hosts arrived in the area and, after several confrontations, managed to subdue the warrior people. Later the Spaniards would arrive in the area, founding, in 1570, what would then be the Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de la “O” de Sancos. Years later, during the Republic, Huanca Sancos is created as a district, in 1826; Later, in 1957, this city became the capital of the Sancos district until finally, on November 20, 1984, it was recently declared the province of Ayacucho, with the name it currently has.

Huanca Sancos has interesting tourist attractions, such is the case of places such as: 

  • Ituni – Also known as “Chicken Warkuna”. These are some archaeological remains in which the presence of 200 chullpas or funerary spaces can be observed.
  • Ñaupa Llanta – This is also known by the name of Carapo. They are archaeological sites of pre-Inca origin. It is also known as Ñaupallaqta Carapo.
  • Silvanan – This is a beautiful setting that is located on the banks of the Tarunca River. In this you can see some windows that are limiting with a precipice; there are also burials that possibly include the bodies of Chanka warriors.

In the province there are also places for the practice of thermo-medicinal tourism, such is the case of the Thermal Baths of Sucho and Rosasniyoq in the district of Sancos. 

For people who want to get to know this province and interact with people during its festive season, it is recommended that they visit Huanca Sancos during dates such as: carnivals; or religious festivities such as the feast of the Apostle Santiago and Felipe, during July, which is also known for being a ceremony where water is worshiped, thus mixing indigenous and Christian rituals; and the most important, the Feast of the Virgin of the "O", patron saint of the province, whose celebration takes place from December 8 to 18 of the same month.

Best Tours in Peru

Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail Tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Perú, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views. 

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu Ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your Vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem. 

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.